Sechenov University invites you to take part in I International Conference "Innovative drugs: From molecule to the patient".
Innovations in healthcare system has an immense potential to open up unlimited possibilities for the medicine of the future. Revolutionary changes are taking place in pharmacy and pharmacology thanks to the development of technologies, Big Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence (AI), rapid advances in the field of molecular biology and genomics, personalized treatment methods and interdisciplinary collaborations.
Languages: Russian, English Fee for participation: free
The following discussion sessions will be organized within the framework of the conference:
Youth Section:
– Competition of oral presentations in English – Competition of poster presentations in English – Competition "The best logo of the conference"
Symposium "Botany and Pharmacognosy in the health service"
The round table. Preferences of graduates of pharmaceutical specialties
Master classes by leading scientists and experts, dialogues, seminars.